Get fit and have fun!
Take a Zumba class with us.
Zumba classes at Dovercourt House near Ossington and Bloor, and the Junction. Join us.
About us
Who we are
DanceClassToronto.com has been in operation since 2011, is owned and run by Popi Spyridis, Zumba and Fitness Instructor
Your First Dance
Wedding dance lessons, choreo, crash courses
Look and feel great on your special day! Whether you want something simple or something fully choreographed, we can help.
Latest News
Check out this article about Dovercourt House
https://www.blogto.com/arts/2024/09/dovercourt-dance-house-toronto I was happy to be interviewed for this article about the return of Dovercourt House. I am so happy...
Zumba classes
Join us every Tuesday 6pm and Thursday 6m at Dovercourt House, 805 Dovercourt Road, very close to Ossington subway station....
Dovercourt House is back!
We are back at Dovercourt House every Tuesday 6pm starting the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, October 10, 2023. Dovercourt House has...
Indoor Zumba classes 2022
Happy to announce we will be doing Zumba every Sunday 10am starting this weekend, at AfroLatino dance studio, 3347 Dundas...
Zumba Retreat in Punta Cana – Dance and Unwind Wellness Retreat
Do you love to dance, love Zumba, and are ready to rejuvenate yourself and feel amazingly healthy and alive, have...
2022 Outdoor Zumba classes begin!
Join us for Zumba outdoors every Saturday 10am and Sunday 11am, as of May 2022. Sign up to the email...
Outdoor Zumba classes!
Outdoor Zumba classes have begun! Our weekly Zumba schedule will be: Tuesdays 6pm on Zoom Saturdays 10am outdoors and livestream...
Zumba continues!
Zumba on Zoom is ongoing. Join us every Tuesday 6pm and Saturday at 10am on Zoom. Check our schedule for...
Family Day Zumba Master Class
Hi everyone Join me, Geethanjali and Karmiel on Family Day, Monday February 15, 2pm EST (12pm MST) for an hour...
Zumba January 2021 and beyond
I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. I hope you are finding peace and joy in your days, and...
December 2020 Schedule – we continue to dance!
Starting December, this will be our new virtual Zumba schedule:Saturdays 11am (livestreamed from the park if weather allows)Tuesdays 6pm on Zoom PLUS additional special...
Zumba continues
Hi everyone I am going to keep the same schedule going for now: October 2020 Zumba Schedule: Tuesday 6pm on Zoom...
Zumba Instructor Schedule July 2019
The Zumba instructor schedule for July will be:Wednesdays 6pm AshleyThursdays 6pm GeethanjaliSaturdays 9:30am GeethanjaliSundays 11am – July 7 with Damarys,...
Zumba Summer Schedule 2019
Be sure to grab the unlimited access pass now, unlimited Zumba for June through to August (3 months) for $220....
Zumba Updates
All Zumba classes are currently being subbed until I am better and able to teach Zumba. Enjoy the classes with...
Zumba Monday 6pm cancelled + April Updates
UPDATE: I’m so sorry, Zumba Monday 6pm is cancelled. I emailed you about this. Be sure to be on my...
Free Kundalini Yoga Class
You are invited to attend a free Kundalini Yoga class with guest instructor Chantaya on Thursday March 28th. We will...
Zumba Masterclass with Prince and Madelle
I’m so happy to be officially part of the team for this amazing event! I hear through the grapevine that...
15% off everything Feb 21-25 2019 only
15% off everything February 21-25, 2019. Code SAVE15. Thanks for shopping and hope you enjoy wearing these as much as...
Hello everyone, Hope you all enjoy the long weekend! Just a few reminders: Zumba on Family Day will be at 11am instead of 6pm....
Feel the Joy of Dance apparel
Have you checked out my new shop? FREE SHIPPING January 29 – February 2 Code: SHIP4U19 Enjoy! https://shop.spreadshirt.ca/danceclasstoronto Lots of...
Zumba Event April 20 with Prince and Madelle
Come join me at a special Zumba masterclass with guest instructors Prince and Madelle, husband and wife team, who are both...
Salsa Class
Hello dancers, I will be offering another salsa class on Thursday February 21, at 7:10pm. It will be a 45mins class. This class...
SALE Dance Shop – 19% off everything
19% off everything in the clothing shop! Jan 8-12, 2019. Code SALE19. Hoodies, sweatshirts, tanks, t-shirts and more: https://shop.spreadshirt.ca/danceclasstoronto/ 3...
New Dance Wear Shop
I am so happy to announce the opening of my online dance wear shop! Hoodies, tanks, sweatshirts, t-shirts and more...
Holiday Schedule 2018
A reminder there will be no Zumba on: Mon Dec 24 Wed Dec 26 Thurs Dec 27 Mon Dec 31...
Our first Zumba holiday was a success!
We had a blast in Cuba! Thank you to everyone who joined this first trip and making it possible. I...
Bollywood Special Class with Geethanjali
Thursday November 22nd at 7:10pm – 8pm In this class you will have an opportunity to learn some Bollywood moves...
Zumba Warm-up you can follow at home
Nothing beats a live Zumba class and I highly encourage you to get to class, but for many reasons sometimes...
A bit of what you will find in my Zumba class
More videos on instagram. Everyone is welcome to join us! https://www.instagram.com/p/BoXfl-8hIok/?taken-by=popizumbatoronto
Salsa Class – Thursday Sept 20th, 2018
I will be offering a salsa class on Thursday September 20th at 7:10pm. It will be a 45mins class. As...
This in Zumba now
This choreo is not one of the easiest ones, but it’s fun! https://www.instagram.com/p/BmY02aEBLoL/?taken-by=popizumbatoronto
Simple moves for your wedding first dance
Filmed at my Wedding Dance Workshop in Toronto, which is a two hour crash course to help couples learn to...
One of our current Zumba routines
One of our current Zumba routines. I’m enjoying this one. Remember, just dance your way and do what feels good...
Mother’s Day 2018 Special
Bring your mom (or daughter) FREE to Zumba this weekend, if you have a Zumba pass or drop in. One...
Zumba class Saturday morning
Here we are dancing Saturday May 5, 2018. Keep dancing everyone! Find me on Instagram: @popizumbatoronto — I finally opened...
Zumba Warm-up or 10mins dance fitness you can do at home
Hello everyone, I recently filmed this old, but fun Zumba warm-up to some classic pop songs including Beyonce’s Crazy in...
Movement Meditation Class before Zumba
Hello everyone, On Sunday April 15, before Zumba I am going to offer a Movement Meditation class at 10:15am. We...
A peek at my Zumba class at Dovercourt House
Here is one of our Bollywood routines in class. More on my youtube channel. I am a big fan of...
Free Qi Gong Introductory Workshop
Hello everyone, I am so happy to announce that my Qi Gong instructor has agreed to offer a free Qi...
Samba Fun
Here is a clip from the recent samba class we did after Zumba! Samba is not an easy dance. Well...
Samba Class
Hello everyone, I will be offering a samba dance class on Thursday February 22nd, 7-8pm (we will start shortly after...
Zumba STRONG & Family Day Zumba time change
Hello dancers, A couple of announcements looking ahead to February: Zumba STRONG – Thursday February 15th I am very excited...
Early Bird Special for Wedding Dance Workshop – two hour crash course
Early Bird Special for Wedding Dance Workshop Sunday May 6, 2018. Space is limited so book early! Details here Here...
Cha Cha Dance Class
Hello everyone, Since we have been doing a bit more of cha cha in Zumba lately, I thought it might...
Zumba routine to song ‘Mayores’
This song in Zumba now. Enjoy! Thanks to these fabulous women who helped me film this, you all rock!
Zumba moves and grooves
Here is one of our current Zumba routines. A few of us filmed this after class. Enjoy!
Zumba Bollywood Fun!
Here is a video I took recently of our Zumba class leading and dancing to a Bollywood routine. I feel...
Salsa Class!
Hello everyone, This has been on my mind for a long time now and I am finally scheduling this!: Salsa...
More Zumba on Mondays
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey about the additional Monday Zumba class. A majority of you want...
Salsa technique class for Zumba students
I’ve had some requests for breakdowns of steps lately and so I’m going to offer a little technique class this...
Bollywood Workshop – Saturday May 13th
Hello everyone, I am excited to officially announce a Bollywood Workshop! I have invited Parul Gupta (pictured), to come and do...
Hip Hop specialty class with Ashley Jones
Come join us for this specialty hip hop dance class with hip hop expert Ashley Jones! Sunday January 22nd 12:30 to...
Nuovo-Burlesque (with Chairs and Canes) Workshop
Nuovo-Burlesque (with Chairs and Canes) with Damarys (pictured)! This workshop will get you movin’ and groovin’ with bold, sexy yet...
Zumba Class Photos
Thanks to all the beautiful ladies who came to class last week and smiled for the camera. Here are the...
Zumba Thurs class photos
Hello everyone, I have invited a photographer to take photos at our class this Thursday Sept 29th. I am hoping...
Belly Dance Workshop
Hello everyone, I am excited to officially announce a belly dance workshop! I have invited Nada (pictured), belly dance expert,...
Zumba – Latin Dance Technique Workshop
Latin Dance Technique Workshop, Saturday May 14th, 11am – 12:30pm – Dance technique workshop designed specifically for the moves and grooves...
Stretch class after Zumba class on Sunday April 10, 2016
Every now and again, I lecture about the importance of stretching. Of course we stretch at the end of every...
Week of Wellness Pass – week of March 28 2016
1 week… 50+ hours of YOGA10 hours of ZUMBA + DANCE6 hours of MEDITATION3 hours of STRENGTH plus ACUPUNCTURE and...
Dovercourt House dance for donations JAN 25-31, 2016
Ryerson Lifeline Syria Challenge – Roots to Routes FUNdraiser DANCES FOR DONATIONS at Dovercourt House helps the Ryerson Lifeline Syria...
Happy New Year! Live, love and Zumba in 2016!
Happy New Year! May 2016 bring you new discoveries and blessings. I hope this year you tap into your infinite...
Zumba Chair and the healing power of Zumba
Zumba Chair is Zumba done entirely seated and is suitable for various groups, including seniors and individuals living in long...
Zumba announcements October 2015
I have some important changes to announce about our Zumba schedule. I hope most of you will find this good...
Tips for a successful first dance on your wedding day
7 tips for a successful first dance on your wedding day: 1. Decide what you want to do. Do you...
Zumba Gold classes downtown Toronto
Popi is now teaching Zumba Gold for Senior Adult Services in the Annex, 341 Bloor Street West, 2nd floor. 1...
Has Zumba changed your life?
Read some inspring stories on Zumba.com here and share yours! This is why I personally love Zumba so much. It...
Zumba – a moving meditation class?
Someone in class commented that my class was like a moving meditation class and I thought this was interesting. I...
What style of dance is best for wedding first dance?
The song and dance style you choose for your wedding first dance should always reflect what you both want and...
“I can’t dance, I have two left feet”
“The problem is, I have two left feet, I can’t dance”. If you are one of those people who can’t...
How to find a Zumba class in Toronto
Did you know that you can easily search for Zumba classes in Toronto on the official Zumba website? If you...
Still haven’t tried Zumba yet?
Well what are you waiting for?! Sometimes fear stops us doing wonderful things. If it is fear stopping you, I...
CHA CHA Workshop featured in SNAP
Here is the link to the SNAP article and photos. Thanks to those who attended the Cha Cha Workshop and...
Wedding Dance Workshop featured in SNAP Newspaper
Recently SNAP came by to take some photos of our Wedding Dance Workshop. THANKS to all the couples who smiled...
Shawn Achor’s easy 5 steps to be more happy and successful (Exercise is of course one of them!)
I recently watched an episode of ‘Super Soul Sunday’ on Oprah’s network OWN and thought the interview with Shawn Achor...
Express yourself through dance!
In Zumba class, I often point out the simple truth that there is only one of you in the whole world....
Your wedding dance – a few first dance song suggestions
Here are a few song suggestions for your first dance for your wedding, some of which my students have used. Most...
Zumba and all exercise is the best anti-aging cream you will buy and the best anti-depressant pill too!
I was inspired recently watching a program on OWN about women and aging. On the program, they featured an inspiring...
Wedding Dance Workshop – Look and feel great on your special day!
Wedding Dance Workshop Learn to dance for your wedding! This two hour workshop offers a”crash course” in designing your wedding...
The healing power of dance – surrender to the present moment
Dance and all movement have tremendous potential healing power. No matter what is going on around you or inside you, dance, if...
Fitness Bootcamp classes in Toronto near Dufferin and Dupont
Ladies, Are you new to working out/fitness? Are you ready to make a positive change in your life? Are you...
You are a dancer
“Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.” – Oprah...
Zumba – sample songs used in class
Here is a recent sample playlist used in my Zumba class. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YalTLtancBM&list=PL2YXCA9HZLE3Fhtjmeg9FT8Jox7FfX3Z7 Thanks Roxy!
Listen to your body – Zumba and beyond
I often say “listen to your body” in Zumba class. I believe your body always tells you what it needs....
Happy Valentines Day!
“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance...
Toronto Zumba ® Fitness Fundraiser
Zumba (r) Fitness Fundraiser dedicated in memory of Nurse Sonia Varaschin. The funds for this event will be donated to...
Zumba Classes at High Park Fitness Centre in SNAP Bloor West paper
Here is a link to the article and photos: http://www.snapbloorwest.com/?option=com_sngevents&id%5B%5D=442176&utm_source=email&utm_medium=snapd “At the beginning of September we dropped by High Park...
“My Mommy Likes to Wiggle” – Children’s Book by Kathleen Gauer
“My Mommy Likes to Wiggle” is a charmingly-illustrated rhyming story about a mom whose passion is dancing (“Salsa, Samba and...
TIPS FOR BEGINNER DANCERS – Letting go of fear
Have you always wanted to learn to dance but something has stopped you? Felt intimidated? Worried that you wouldn’t be...
Our Schedule
Time to dance