I recently watched an episode of ‘Super Soul Sunday’ on Oprah’s network OWN and thought the interview with Shawn Achor to be very enlightening. He basically stated many things many of us intuitively already know but he backs it up with studies. He has done research on the connection between happiness and success. A professor...
Category: Tips for Dancers
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Express yourself through dance!
In Zumba class, I often point out the simple truth that there is only one of you in the whole world. I encourage people to find their own expression, their own style, to do it their own way. I believe this with my heart to be vital not just on the dance floor but in life. Life...
Zumba and all exercise is the best anti-aging cream you will buy and the best anti-depressant pill too!
I was inspired recently watching a program on OWN about women and aging. On the program, they featured an inspiring 75 year old fitness professional, Ernestine Shepherd (http://ernestineshepherd.net/). She started working out at 56 (56!)and after challenging life situations which resulted in anxiety and depression, she used exercise to overcome her anxiety and depression, resulting...