
Mother’s Day 2018 Special

Bring your mom (or daughter) FREE to Zumba this weekend, if you have a Zumba pass or drop in. One of the things I love about Zumba is the wide age ranges it reaches. Just yesterday in zumba class, the range was between 14 and 65. Dance and the joy of dance has no restrictions...


Zumba class Saturday morning

Here we are dancing Saturday May 5, 2018.  Keep dancing everyone! Find me on Instagram: @popizumbatoronto — I finally opened up an account!


Zumba Warm-up or 10mins dance fitness you can do at home

Hello everyone, I recently filmed this old, but fun Zumba warm-up to some classic pop songs including Beyonce’s Crazy in Love and Bruno Mars’ Locked out of Heaven. Some of you might find this useful for a quick workout at home. Obviously nothing beats a live in-person class with me!! But here this is and...