In studio private lessons available in the Junction at Afrolatino dance studio, 3347 Dundas St W, corner of Dundas and Runnymede.

Contact us and we can set something up.

Packages available.

The Star package is ideal if you are looking for a simple dance, and a few moves to make sure you look and feel confident on the dance floor. We will teach you moves that suit your style and abilities. The Super Star package is better if you want to make sure you are fully prepared, and with this package, we can structure your dance, so that you have a set routine to the entire song. Specialized choreography is available.

We also offer a crash course, suitable if you don’t have much time before your wedding day. We can structure what you learn according to your vision and your abilities.

1 Wedding Dance Lesson

$ 140
Lessons are 55mins
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2-hour Crash Course

$ 260
2 hours
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Wedding Dance Star Package

$ 390
3 private lessons 55mins each
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Wedding Dance Super Star Package

$ 650
5 private lessons 55mins each
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Online Videos of two steps / moves covered in the Wedding Dance Workshop held May 2018 available when you purchase a package. Just email us and ask us!

Videos contain 20mins of instruction outlining basic dance hold, music counting, leading and following, posture plus breakdown of 2 simple step patterns you can use in your first dance for a natural effortless feel and look. The two steps covered are:

1. The Underarm Turn
2. Change of Places